The Red Tea Detox How To Review

Rooibos Red Tea Benefits and Values

Excellent for Iced Tea or Hot Tea. Rooibos contains antioxidants ( SOD ) - It is enjoyed by both kids and adults. Rooibos bush contains many vitamins and minerals and no caffeine, therefore is considered a health drink. For best results steep or simmer in the pot for 5-10 minutes. African Rooibos Tea.


Rooibos contains 50% more antioxidants than green tea. Anti-spasmodic properties of Rooibos can relieve colic and stomach cramps or provide relief for skin problems like eczema, skin rash and acme. Antioxidants found in Rooibos may protect against free radical damage. Antioxidants “SOD” found in Rooibos are free-radical scavengers and may help ward off heart disease,cancer, and osteoporosis. Free radicals are suspected to be the cause of many health problems.

Unlike many beverages Rooibos is very low in oxalic acid therefore it does not promote kidney stones.

Rooibos Tea should be stored in a room temperature enviroment away from direct sunlight. Dry airtight container is preferable for extended  storage. Most commonly used poly “barrier “ bags including  “ freezer ” zip lock bags will provide sufficient protection from the moisture. Storing Rooibos in the freezer will not extend the shelf life of the tea. Rooibos shelf life is 2-3 years.

Nutritional Values of Aspalathus Linearis (ROOIBOS)


Calcium 1.8
Potasium 7.12
Iron 0.07
Zinc 0.04
Magnesium 1.56
Maganese 0.04
Sodium 6.1
Fluoride 0.2

Rooibos USA brands are excellent for hot tea or iced tea :

One teas spoon of loose Rooibos for every 6 oz ( cup ) of water.

For best results Rooibos should be steeped for 10 minutes.Shorter steeping time will not affect the flavor. Research shows that it takes 10 Min. for antioxidants to dissolve in water. In South Africa Rooibos is simmered in the pot for 30 min, strained and served hot or over ice. If convenience is preferred coffee maker will make a delicious cup of tea.

Concentrated Rooibos can be produced by simmering one table spoon of Rooibos to 6 oz. of water. Rooibos concentrate can be stored up to 2 weeks in the refrigerator. To make iced tea from concentrated Rooibos just add water and ice to the desired taste. Sugar, milk,honey can be added to enhance flavor of Rooibos.

Since the discovery in South Africa  diamonds have become a desirable commodity, both dazzling and everlasting. African Red Bush tea - Rooibos will only grow on these diamond bearing Cedarberg Mountains. The Rooibos tea bush contains anti-oxidants, minerals, and vitamins. While Rooibos tea  aids in the relief of allergy, colic, skin conditions, and is used for detoxing, it is a great tasting beverage enjoyed by both children and adults.

Red Bush tea, South Africa's hidden treasure is not found deep beneath the mountains but on it's slopes above. One might question the link between the diamond gem that beautifies from the outside and Rooibos tea that prolongs longevity and creates beauty from within.

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